NorCalBounce published: Cam Modeling for the Straight Guy
Superstar • 40140 hits column, camboy

Being a webcam model as a straight male can be quite the unnerving option for certain men. The fact is, regardless of your sexual preference, the overwhelming majority of live cam show customers are male, which means that you will be performing for gay/bi men far more often than not.

Long before I became an actual webcam model, I had primarily spent my time 'in the business' recruiting models. It seems like in the ads that I would post, I would get just as many men responding to them as I would women, yet hardly ever had any of those men sign on to actually become a model compared to how many of the women would sign on. The deciding factor for the men who chose not to pursue it always seemed to revolve around the answer to similar versions of the same question.

'Do I have to perform for gay guys?'

My answer was always the same.

'No, you don't HAVE to, but you're not going to make any money if you don't.'

And that's the cold, hard truth. The idea of getting paid to perform on cam for horny women sure is a nice thought, but it's just not realistic. In almost a year of being a model, myself, I can literally count on one hand how many times I've either been tipped or taken private by a female customer. Yes, it DOES happen, but it's a very rare occurrence, and those times should definitely be enjoyed. But in reality, it's primarily men who 'get off' to experiences like the ones presented by cam models. It's proven science that men are much more visually stimulated than women are, and that doesn't change with homosexuality introduced to the equation.

So with that being said, straight males wanting to work as cam models have to be in the right mindset. You HAVE to think of it as what it is'a job. And the job requires you to put on a performance, regardless of who your audience is. The guys who will come into your room are all potential paying customers, and MANY of them love the fantasy of turning the straight guy out. So the fact that you're heterosexual can absolutely play to your advantage. I've had customers that tell me they love the idea of being used and humiliated by a straight man ' and I play to that. Some more prefer the challenge, attempting to convince you that they could pleasure you better than any woman ever could.

If you're in the right mindset to do this, THESE are the exact situations you want to maximize your earnings.

Tease them make them think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, there's a glimmer of hope that you'd let them give you head, or whatever it is they'd like to do with you. Just because you're telling them that doesn't mean it's true. Again, you're a performer, and it's all just part of the performance. That's the biggest thing to keep in mind. Once you've been at it for a little while, you get more comfortable with it, and it becomes 'natural.'

Another issue that comes up with straight males performing for gay men comes into play once you've got a customer in private/paid chat. Many of them will want to go cam 2 cam with you, which is HIGHLY recommended to ALWAYS accept. It's proven that c2c paid sessions last longer than when just the model is on cam. It makes the customer feel as if you are really into it. Again, it may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it, and don't HAVE to actually sit there and stare at their cam the entire time. On Streamate, for example, the c2c window will open up with the customer's cam in the smaller thumbnail window which is really hard to see unless you're really close to your monitor. It has the option to switch it around, which you should probably at least take a peek at so you can see the position they're in and talk to them as if you're really paying attention. I know this might sound rather shady to some, but again, it all comes down to the fact that this is a performance. Some straight guys may not be able to maintain an erection if they're sitting there watching another guy stroking - and that's okay. Do what you have to do to give the customer the show that they're paying good money for. More often than not, if I'm on cam, I have lesbian porn running off to the side to help me stay hard. Just keep the sound low if you choose to do this ' the customers WILL leave if they hear women moaning in the background.

Being a cam model as a straight male certainly isn't for everyone. It's understood that some people do have true homophobia, and just can't handle the type of performance that is needed to be successful with a job like this. Unfortunately though, there just aren't enough women out there willing to pay to watch a guy pleasure himself to make it worthwhile to ONLY perform for females.

But if you can keep an open mind and remember that it's JUST a performance, and these people really are never going to be able to touch you, meet you in person, etc., being a cam model as a straight male can be very profitable. It's all in your attitude towards it.



28 Likes 22 Comments
WOW! Love the article Nor! Smiley (Y)

I know this article isnt really targeted towards women but Id really like to add my two cents....

C2C: I agree thats its not a good idea to turn it down when a member makes this request. I do get some guys who are gay but love being dominated by women and I dont get turned on by watching other men pleasure themselves with toys. Depending on what site you work on, you can always pretend the cam is on or just put something over the video ie a program like word but minimised over the video Smiley (lol)

TOYS: I know of some very successful male cammers who have been honest and told their members that they are straight and do not use toys but I totally agree - the vast majority of members who visit you will be gay men. If you decide to play into this fantasy that you are gay, this doesnt automatically mean that you will be required to stick toys in your ass. Also, there is the option of telling your members that you are bi-sexual
Fantastic input Nor, I have a straight male friend who has toyed with the idea of camming, but the thought of it being mostly men that view has deterred him. I will direct him to this article, maybe it will help change his mind set Smiley :) Thank you for sharing x
I'll even talk to him about it if he wants to ask any questions - just let me know if I can help Smiley :)
Loved the article! Great job!
They love me for being straight. I use toys and literally do anything because I'm a horny fucker. I'm not even slightly curious though and many of them can't get their heads around this but whatever they pay the bills Smiley :)
This is a great article thanks for sharing Nor....I think it is great what your doing and i give you two thumbs up for having the confidence to do it and just for the record if you don't mind me saying so i think you are very sexy =) xoxox I have gone in many male rooms on Chaturbate and when they pm me alot of them tell me they are straight but pose off as gay to make money... Hey whatever works right i think it is amazing for you all to have open minds!!
Great article NorCalBounce!!
Kisses Smiley (H)
I really LOVE the fact that youre a free spirited person... because personaly I dont like homophobes but there is ALOT aspecially men ..... So I find it really attractive for a straight men to be confortable with the fact he has to work arround gay people. Smiley (Y)
Thanks...I grew up in an area where the next town over is basically the rural version of San Francisco - known for its homosexual population. I've grown up around it...have had gay me, it's "whatever makes you happy" - I'm not going to judge someone differently because they like the same sex. Personally, I've never even been remotely curious - I'm as straight as they come.

But I really think that's where the true root of homophobia comes from - sexual insecurities.

I know where I'll really put my cock and where I won't...everything else is irrelevant Smiley ;)
Haha, not a man, but I was so curious to read this! Smiley :) Love it NorCal!
Great post. I lol'd at " moaning in the background".
Every single word in that article in the gospel truth when it comes to being a male webcam performer. I can definitely relate to and expand on each of those points mentioned! It's all about being able to perform and give off a certain persona. Pretty sure it's a big ego boost to the viewer that feels they can break you out of your "straightness". I'll have to share my experience on here soon, should be good for a laugh.
Great article, I had to tweet it and am making sure my boyfriend reads it.
i wish theyd stay even thu r straight dont mean u wont do a show for them
Great advise, and very true and Thanks for the info NorCalBounceSmiley (beer)
A fantastic article, and one that every camguy should read. I am straight, but like I tell my customers (mostly) guys, "I chat and play with all." That leaves the door open, and I am always willing to tease them to get them in a mood to tip. Great advise, a well-written article that is perfect for guys wanting to cam.
This article is eye opening and a definite read for men thinking about being a cam model.
Thank you all...I'm glad that even years later, people are still finding value in this.
Great article
My (straight) fiance is interested in trying out solo camming to help me out and we were wondering if dudes get annoyed when straight guys don't do butt stuff?

Thanks for making this topic, by the way!
So glad I vbvg
So glad I came across this forum. Short story version...
I have had the worst fiscal year ever. I'm loosing my family house etc etc. hit the couch did not want to move. Shit I still don't lol but while I was actually speaking to my wife (separated) today silly me said hey ya wanna see it. She said yes so bam I did. She laughs and says u freaking obsessed with that thing I laugh say yeah I should show the world and she says shit web cam her buddie was looking into it as well. So here I am. Never thought about it till today.
Next reading this and it's post about straight pretending to be gay and no wayyyy to the dildo in the arse. I realized I'm a step ahead of the game already because I'm a straight male and have no problem with sex toys or strap on's etc. I'm comfortable with my sexuality and welcome it. Now sitting in a chat I do not know if u see the person on the other side that may throw my ummm feeling off dono if best term but u get it well guess that's it I'll keep on reading
So glad I came across this forum. Short story version...
I have had the worst fiscal year ever. I'm loosing my family house etc etc. hit the couch did not want to move. Shit I still don't lol but while I was actually speaking to my wife (separated) today silly me said hey ya wanna see it. She said yes so bam I did. She laughs and says u freaking obsessed with that thing I laugh say yeah I should show the world and she says shit web cam her buddie was looking into it as well. So here I am. Never thought about it till today.
Next reading this and it's post about straight pretending to be gay and no wayyyy to the dildo in the arse. I realized I'm a step ahead of the game already because I'm a straight male and have no problem with sex toys or strap on's etc. I'm comfortable with my sexuality and welcome it. Now sitting in a chat I do not know if u see the person on the other side that may throw my ummm feeling off dono if best term but u get it well guess that's it I'll keep on reading

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