Tristan published: Interview with Tessa1
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tessaHi Tessa1, wonderful that you wanted to do an interview with us! You have been in the business for quite some time and we’d love to hear your experiences. We can start with some basics. Can you tell me how old you are and where are you from? 

 I’m 47, began camming at 26 so I’ve been around a long time.  From the U.S.

What are you passionate about?  

This is a question I’m rarely asked, but maybe my favorite question to be asked. I’m a nature lover and my favorite place to be is in my backyard on my hammock.  Also enjoy nature walks and hiking. Very passionate about my vegan lifestyle and the older I get, the more I move toward a whole foods, plant based lifestyle.  I haven’t gotten sick in years.  

Writing is my best mode of communication.  I write a blog titled “Vegan Vixen Blog by Tessa” where I write on topics I’m passionate about, such as camming, veganism, and more.  The link is

Is webcam modeling your only job or do you do other things besides it? 

There have been times when I cammed full-time.  Now I have another full-time job I’m busy with so I haven’t actually gotten on cam in a couple of months.  Looking forward to camming again during vacation.  I feel very fortunate that I have 2 jobs I enjoy- camming and my current full-time job. 

Do you tell your friends/family you are a cam model? 

It would be great if we could eliminate the stigmas of camming so this question would be moot.  Same with other forms of sex work.

How did you come in contact with the cambusiness? 

I began camming in January 2002.  Was living in Vegas at the time and there were various camming studios around town.  Didn’t have a computer then, so I started out working at studios.  The first one I worked at was out of an apartment run by other women who also cammed where we were on iFriends.   

Then, I worked at a studio out of a strip mall-type place run by a couple.  The woman did camming too and I was there so much - I think 6 days a week morning until night. They were affiliated with Peekshows and a smaller company they started.

How would you describe yourself as a camgirl?  

Though I’m very introverted in my personal life, I’m actually really interactive with the viewers as a camgirl.  I’m very generous so if they tip me or get a show, they generally seem very satisfied.  Also very honest about my do’s and don’ts in shows.

I’m unique and non-cliché. In my profile, I don’t just write about sex but also about myself as a person and share that I’m a hippy-type, vegan, and nature-lover among other things. 

Where can we see you?  

Currently, I’m on Stripchat.

Have you also been working on different sites? 

Not currently, but as previously mentioned I used to work on other sites.

Do you also have a personal website?  

No personal website, but I do a blog as mentioned.

Do you have a special room prepared in your house for your shows?  

I work out of my bedroom.

How was your first modeling experience? 

It was enjoyable.  As previously mentioned, my first experience camming was at a studio out of these women’s apartment who also cammed.  They were really kind, helpful, and friendly.  I felt comfortable around them. 

Does being a cam model interfere with your personal (sex) life?  

I don’t really have a personal (sex) life (lol).  Just mostly keep to myself.

What's the most appealing thing about your job?  

Working from home by myself, working my own hours, online interactions with viewers when camming and with cam models on sites such as this one.

What do you like least about your job? 

There isn’t much I don’t like.  In my earlier camming days, something I didn’t like was that if viewers were being disrespectful or rude in free chat and the model clicked to remove them, they could keep coming back within seconds.  It was much harder to remove people permanently than it is now. 

If you could do it all over again with all the knowledge you have now, would you still
be a cam model? 


What's your view on the cam industry in general?  

Overall, positive though it’s not all “rainbows and sunshine.” I don’t know any job that is.  I like that there’s so much variety in terms of body types, specialties, activities, and so on.  Also really like the creativity.

Do you have a funny story or experience to share? 

Considering all the years I’ve been camming, I sure do have some!  In my earlier camming years, multiple people told me in my chatroom that I resemble Christy Canyon, a porn star from the 80’s.  She was before my time, plus I didn’t watch porn before I started doing videos.  I didn’t know who she was, so I looked her up online.  I was thinking, “Wow, she’s beautiful! This is quite a compliment.”

Perhaps, the most unique fetish request I got was somebody requesting I wear yellow dishwashing gloves. Though I don't wear gloves when washing dishes, I actually had such gloves for crafts. Needless to say, I never thought I'd use them for a cam show, but they came in handy in more ways than I thought lol.

What are your plans for the future besides cam modeling?  

Not much that I’m not doing now.  I hope to continue expanding my garden and get back into camming more. 

Any tips for new camgirls?  

Find what works for you and develop your persona and niche.  There’s so much room for variety in camming, so don’t assume you have to be a certain way to succeed or that you have to look a certain way. 

 At 47-years-old, I’m doing better than when I was in my 20s.  This reminds me of advice a woman with the apartment-based camming studio I referred to earlier gave me when I started.  I was 26, but asked if I should list myself in the 18 to 22 age category.  She advised against this, saying that the category is already saturated and some customers prefer more “mature” women.  This turned out to be good advice and I’ve been honest about my age with viewers throughout my camming years.  

Also, have patience.  There’s so much to learn when navigating cam sites and getting set up. 

Additionally, I suggest investing in a Lovense vibrator. I did and it was a chore to set up, but worth it in terms of how it feels and the customers seem to enjoy it too.   Been getting much more tips since I set it up, which sometimes lead to private shows.

Lastly and very important, be honest about your do’s and don’ts in private shows.  

What's your motto?  

Kindness is a strength. 



Tristan, co-founder of WeCamgirls, has spent the last decade immersed in the cam industry. He’s attended over 50 shows and conferences, met countless interesting people, and loves sharing his insider knowledge through articles and guides.

2 Likes 4 Comments
Interesting article, I never had the opportunity to work out of a studio, I just started and learned through experience. 😊

Yes, I think that's how most people do it these days-- working from home. Not sure how common studios are anymore. I think they're now most common in Eastern Europe?
Yes, in Romania there are a lot of studios, but also in South America (mainly Colombia). In the rest of the world, models mainly work from home.
Here's a video on a studio in Romania:

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