Tiffany published: Making Three Figures A Day As A Camgirl
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making more money

My personal experience I had a really rough time when I got kicked out of my house the week after I turned 18. My mother has always been an amazing and strong woman, but many of her views are bigoted and she has completely different logical conclusions than I. She was really the venom of my life. When I was trying to be a positive and happy person, she would destroy it every chance she got. I don't attribute this to malice though. I don't think she knew what she was doing. While it ended up being for the best, being homeless has permanently changed me into a different person forever. I didn't know anything like food pantries or food stamps existed. I was very privileged.

Difficult Times During Homelessness

I went through a period where I was eating less than 300 calories a day for about a month or more. I had never been hungry in my life. Additionally, I was living in an abandoned house that was falling apart. There wasn't any running water, and often it would be 0F or less outside. Sometimes I look back and I wonder how I actually made it out alive without dying. I was skin and bone, weighed about 100 pounds or less. It felt like no one cared. I had a friend offer to bring me food into school, but he kept forgetting. I was starving and my friend couldn't even be counted on when he saw what I looked like. So much for friends, so much for people.

Challenges in Continuing Education

I was trying to complete High School, but that didn't work out for me. The windows had been boarded up in the abandoned house to keep the wind outside from coming in. This meant that the sun wouldn't wake me up in the morning, and I barely slept. I relied on my alarm clock on my phone to wake me up, but that never worked. Even though I had my phone tucked into my bra next to my heart, it could not stay warm enough during the night and would typically die in the middle of the night. I ended up dropping out of school because they kept giving me detentions for being late to school, and I couldn't handle an extra four hours at school when I was trying to find a job to feed myself.

Turning Point and Empathy for Others

The changing point for me was when I was in the attic of the abandoned house stuffing peanut butter down my mouth with my bare hands and crying when it was empty and I had scraped all of it off. I didn't understand how no one could help me, I didn't understand why no one cared and why my mother kicked me out of the house like this. I was trying so hard and it didn't matter. It was useless. It was the lowest I've been in my life, and I finally learned how to empathize with other poor people and homeless people. I promised myself to never let that happen to me again. No one will be there when I fall, so I had better do the best I can to make sure I don't fall ever again. No matter what it takes, this would never happen to me.

The Drive, You Gotta Feel It in Your Bones

Your motivation I think after you have an experience like that things will change for you forever. Your motivations might be different than mine though. You should come up with a reason just as important as mine that means just as much to you. While it may not be financial stability for life, you may want something else that means just as much to you. Find what it is. I want you to hold your breath for as long as you can and feel your body crying out for oxygen and air. Hold it as long as you can. When you feel your entire body aching to breath, that is an example of how much you need to want this. You need to want it in your life as much as a drowning person wants to breathe. That is how you will achieve success.

What You Are Going to Use Your Money For?

Meditate on what your money will be going toward. Reward yourself at the end of every week by getting yourself a smaller item on that list. Make an entire list of stuff if you would like, you will have more than enough items after you focus on it. If it's an experience like a vacation, wake up and picture that every single day. You need to really want something and reward yourself like a little puppy or child if you want to achieve it. Seriously, it will help. Remember that you are not a robot, and you have needs just like everyone else.


Really seeing yourself with the item or being where you want to helps. Keep yourself on the same wavelength as if you have already acquired it. That will trick your brain into achieving even more, and you will be able to progress more easily into your plan.

How to Make Three Figures

Assessing the Situation

On my slower days I'll only make $25 an hour. That's not that bad, but it really makes me upset. That's life though, and I still make more than most people at that wage even if you include taxes. $400 divided by $25 means I would have to work for 16 hours to make goal for the day. Preparation for camming always takes me about an hour, and I take meal breaks in between to keep my sanity. Sometimes making goal isn't possible every day, so make sure you are always ahead on your schedule because bad days do happen.

Planning and Preparation

If possible, make a chart over as long as possible on your highest paying days and your lowest. You will notice a pattern. Schedule your off days around the historically lowest paying days. If you have an exceptionally high paying day, make sure you do not log out. You will need that money later, and can always buy yourself extra days off with it.

Working Smarter

This is where having pre-completed custom content comes in. Spend all of your extra time creating extra content, taking pictures, and so on. If you do not make goal one day, you can offer a bunch of content and promote like crazy to help make your goal by doing passive work. This will help you immensely on your slow days. There's never too much money. Keep in mind that anything extra you make today will save time for later. Time is important, and it's something you never get back. Personally I would prefer to work an entire day and have a new day to myself rather than doing a half day and being tired for the rest of the time.

Being at Your Best

Understand that camming is a statistics game. You must be doing something entertaining at all times to draw in your customers. If you are not entertaining them, they will "change the channel" and log into another girl's room. And why not? You shouldn't just sit there. That's not part of your job description. Be social. Yes, you are going to have the same conversation about 100 times before you find a goldmine to talk to. Regardless of how bored you are, always find new ways to keep yourself and your clients interested or else you will lose them all. As a statistics game you need to understand that the more people who are logged into your room the better. Also the more people who remember you, the better. Get as many favs as possible.

Being Greedy with Your Time

Be greedy with your work time, be greedy with your alone time & days off. Sometimes I'll get guys who really want to schedule a show for Wednesday because it's the only time their wife is away. Other times they are only available on Sunday when the rest of the family is out to Church. I tell them to keep me on their contacts, but I will not book any appointments ever for either of those days. Those two days are my days off, I am never online on either day and will not make exceptions. Sometimes they complain, and other times they'll try to bribe you. No. Be as greedy as possible about your days off. You will be too stressed if you do not.

Balancing Personal Life

Likewise, there have been times where I'm all ready for work and am about to log in, only to have a heated discussion at the most inappropriate time with my fiancé. They are never really important fights, more like hurt feelings, and it's so annoying to deal with right before work. I have to put my foot down and make him understand that time is limited, I have to be at work, and this is an actual job. I'd rather spend the last hour or two I have with him in a good mood than a bad mood, and tell him we should discuss this over Skype while I am streaming. I always give him a choice of lashing out now when we are both upset, to talk about it on Skype, or to talk about it later on my break when both of us have stepped away from the situation enough to maintain our levelheadedness. This works about 90% of the time. With children, it would be harder, and I don't have a child of my own living with me so I cannot tell you what would work best in that situation.

Understanding Basic Business Principles

Understand basic business. Save as much time as possible for more important things. There's a reason that Senators, CEOs, and other important people have others do the menial work for them. If you have to send out 10 different emails and respond to 50 Streamate messages about the content they got with their GOLD Show, it's going to be a pain in the ass to pay attention to your camera, clients, and entertainment purposes while you are responding to everyone in the world who wants a piece of you. If it's really that busy, hire someone you can trust who needs some extra cash. It will pay off. Don't be a penny pincher and try to save a couple bucks if you are feeling overwhelmed. If you do that, there is no way you will ever make three figures. You will mess up and have a mental breakdown. You are human.

Time Management

Again, it's all about the time. If you have someone in your room and they haven't pledged, tipped, or taken you private or exclusive, this person is a time waster. You can use them to your advantage if they aren't begging and include them in the conversation (remember, it's all about the entertainment and statistics) or you can kick/block them if they are upsetting you. Since you have to be at your peak at all times, make sure you do whatever feels right and gets your positive energy flowing. You're the person they want, so act like it.

Meeting Client Expectations

Remember, you are a model. You are there as an empty shell to allow others to project whatever they want onto you. You have been chosen because you express elements of beauty and personality that they enjoy. Therefore, make sure that you are giving them EXACTLY what they want. Be the person they want you to be, that's what they are paying you for. You are a fantasy girl. Lie if you must, but personally I consider it acting. I am being paid to act out what they want. This mostly applies to situations where a client wants me to pretend to be his ex because he's still in love with her. "Will you pretend to be my ex, Marissa? She loved long walks on the beach and being eaten out. My name is Derrick." Give him that. Sometimes you'll get fetishes that you can entertain but aren't into personally. They usually know that you aren't that into it, but at the very least look like you are having a good time anyway without getting off. Just act like the person they need you to be.

Doing What's Necessary

Sometimes you will be $20 away from goal and you have a client who wants you to do something you don't feel comfortable with. (While this is why I tell you to be ahead of schedule, sometimes you will get behind. Life happens.) Tell them you'll try it out and if you don't enjoy it you won't do it again. Be open and offer to try anything at least once. Sometimes I'll make compromises and -talk- about said thing, but never act it out. Some guys appreciate that and even get off to it. Just be as honest as possible and do it even if it is outside of your comfort zone. You must do whatever you can to make your goal, or else you won't and you'll blame everything but yourself. If you HAVE an opportunity to make that money you need, and you don't do it because it doesn't make you feel good....ugh. $400 a day is a very high goal, it's doubtful you'll catch up if you don't do it now. There's no such thing as too much money, especially when you aim your goals that high.

Additional Notes

Setting Realistic Goals

Listen, you won't be able to make $400 a day when you just start out unless you are in the 'New' category. Even then, it's doubtful. That's fine. Keep your bar low until you can move up to the next level. This is a career, treat it as such. It might be easier to keep the bar at $100 and work for four hours to get into the groove. After you can sustain that, move up to the next level and maintain everything you have been doing. Move it up to 8 hours, then 10. If you must, raise it to 14 hours a day. Most people don't really want to make three figures. They want it to be easy. Most people shy away from money because it's hard work. Yes, money will appear to you in unglamorous ways. Deal with it, life isn't easy and you have to do things you don't want to get the things you do want.


It's hard to make a lot of money, but it is possible if you are able to be dedicated all year and have enough time every day. You have to be greedy with all of your time and make schedules if possible. A schedule will help because every hour will be accounted for. Make sure that when you do get time for yourself, you spend it on yourself. You spend way too much time catering to other people's needs; it's time to cater to your own. Take a nice warm bubble bath, exfoliate, relax. Book yourself a massage if you want. Most importantly, you must reward yourself as much as possible. Personally, I do three kinds of rewards a day and will receive an award no matter what. Do what works for you, and make sure to congratulate yourself even if you do not make goal because you deserve it just for trying. It's the effort that really counts. :) I also want to remind all the camgirls and camboys out there that you are essentially working as a salesperson. Any salesperson has the potential to make three figures if they work hard and are determined enough.



53 Likes 36 Comments
Wow, Tiffany, what an amazing article!
Your intro, about being homeless brought me to tears. Both tears of sorrow that a beautiful young woman had to endure the hardship of family struggles and homelessness. AND tears of joy that you've come so far, are so positive, successful and happy with life.

You've touched on so many 'logical' actions to achieving success, but so many models don't seem to practice them. Instead they appear to simply plop down in front of the camera without having a 'persona' to entice someone to spend their hard earned dollars. Like you, I consider camming an acting job, where I fulfill guys fantasies, playing along with whatever fantasy they have in their minds-eye. As more and more those guys make me a favorite, returning to me so I can repeatedly scratch their itch *wink*, my income has blown through the roof while my time on cam has diminished. I'm living proof that the formula you've outlined here works!

This is a wonderful article. If struggling cammodels are fortunate enough to read it I know they'll be as inspired as I am.
Needed the inspiration today. Thank you Tiffany.
Tiffany your post titles making three figures a year which would only be $100.00 (100 dollars) and six figures a year is at $100,000. (one hundred thousand dollars)
Three of the first figures (-100-,000) instead of say four figures (-1,000-,000 a year), thanks minnie.
Great article Tiffany ! Wow !
Thank you for sharing your story. And for taking the time to write it so well. You have a good heart. An Inspiration Smiley (flower)
you reminded me why I've stayed involved for so long. I've been having a hard time staying motivated but than I do remember where I was when I started and where I am now and then I think that while it's slow right now I'm not homeless and have food to eat.
It's really a shame that our "profession" gets no respect. I've always liked improv so this is an awesome job.
Thanks for sharing Tif!!
Thank you so much for this article, it is the best that i have ever had the privilege to read here. I have learned along the way to do what you suggest here, and this is like any other job that is done at home, you have to be motivated to make the money. My motivation is to travel to Seattle to see my youngest daughter and to be able to do that when ever my little heart desiresSmiley :)
Amazing article thank you so much for the inspiration Smiley (cat)
Great story thanks for sharing, I applaud your courage and perseverance. Keep up the good work and wish you much success.
Thank you Tiffany. You are an inspiration to us all.
Great article Tiffany!! Very touching and Inspiring. Your will and strength to survive is admirable.
I have been dealing with medical issues lately and I don't have medical coverage. So between the medical bills coming in and my normal bills because I haven't been able to cam. I have found my self very depressed. After reading this article you give me hope again. The knowledge that you share is so needed. I still have wifi so I still have the tools and resources to fight my way out of this mess. Good for you for fighting and getting where you are dear. Keep it up!! Smiley (flower)
What a well spoken & thoughtful article. Every new camgirl should read this as a "how to" guide and every veteran camgirl should read it as a reminder of how to make the most from this career. Most of us learn the hard way how to fit all these pieces into the puzzle & make it work. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing, and giving us motivation & inspiration... Smiley (flower) xox ♥ xox Smiley (flower)
Thank you for sharing; giving us motivation & inspiration xox Smiley (flower)
A great read! Thank you for sharing!
A great inspiration! Thanks Smiley :D
Thank you for sharing, I really needed a shot of inspiration today Smiley (nerd). Have a great Sunday.
Really good advice. Bottom line, and it's really what you said, you:

1. have to have you have to have you're whole heart into it to do well
2. you need to put the cam time in. Don't expect you're pretty face to make you the money you hope for in part time hours.

You really need to view it as your career not just a thing you do.
thanks, ill definitely keep this in mind Smiley :)
Love this whole article. Thank you for taking the time to write it!!!
So inspiring. I can empathize, my mother kicked me out at 18 for getting my tongue pierced (though she recanted it later.) Your resilience is admirable.
Such a great story. When I first started last year I struggled to make $50 a day, I went away for 3 months, came back and reinvented myself. Just over a year later for the last few weeks I made a deal with my regulars not to shave my body hair every time I meet my show goal of $400, my shows are approx 3 hours long. Lets just say I wouldn't look out of place among some bears
Thanks ! I like the conclusion part the best - the bubble bath tee hee you are absolutely right and thank you for sharing this with us. Be all you can be, Blessed one muahhhhhhhh
that was a VERY useful review every cam girl or boy should have a look into. i can relay and do agree with you in many ways. thank you for this. take care Smiley (flower)
this is all awesome!! thank you for posting! Smiley :)
2nd time reading this article, I absolutely love it.
WOW. Great article! I am so sorry for what you went through and I can't believe how strong you are. You are my new motivation. I get down about life and throw myself a pity party all the time when really my life is pretty good. I also have been slacking on work my entire life and I am ready to get serious. I am going to dedicate myself to working 8-10 hours a day camming, texting, making content, and promoting myself. I used the quote in your article about how life if hard and we all have to work so suck it up. I really needed to hear that and I am going to write it on a sticky note and put it up in my office. Thank you so much for this wonderful, helpful, motivation, inspiring article. *hugs*
Great article and info, thank you. I felt my drive lowering this week after coming back from the flu. I have been trying to put together a regular schedule. How long did it take you to find your ideal schedule. I'm on IMLIVE now and traffic seems to be sporadic and it could be because I'm new. I'm also registered with other cam sites but I don't seem to get tips or shows, maybe I don't ask correctly?
Brilliant. I wish you all the success you deserve. Thank you for helping and inspiring others... so cool of you!
Fantastic article�.shitty situations clearly make stronger people. Stay awesome.
Very inspiring article. So inspiring Ibookmarked it and will read it now and then for inspiration Smiley :D
Wow really amazing and motivating!
Wow girl, I had a similar experience in my childhood and it is the main motivator in my life, great article..x
wow, I had a similar experience in my childhood and I find it's my main motivator ..something I can tap into when I'm feeling lazy, great article.x
Really a great article. Very, very motivating.

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