ShanaStorm published: My challenges and successes as a cam model
Khaleesi • 7719 hits column, camgirl


I am now 31 years old. I started reviewing sex toys about eight years ago, which enabled me to amass an awesome collection and much pleasure.

One of the girls I knew mentioned that she was a cam model. We talked, and she suggested that I could cam with a mask, perhaps wigs, or just not show my face. I couldn’t see how this would help me initially, so I checked out some sites and signed up with one that was "offshore." Unfortunately, I soon found out that my ID had been compromised.

It was a nightmare—so much trouble that I didn’t need!

Determined to Start Again

Despite that setback, I spent far too much time checking sites and trying to figure out how I could do it safely. Eventually, the motivation came down to money. I desperately wanted breast implants, but the cost ranged between $6,000 and $12,000—money that just wasn’t possible to save from my day job.

So, I decided to take the plunge into camming again, this time very carefully and deliberately. I signed up with Naked and eventually SM, while still considering CB as well.

Lessons Learned: Taking Control

I was fortunate that my income didn’t rely entirely on camming, so after my first few gigs, I developed an “I don’t give a fuck” attitude. I don’t take any shit now!

Yes, at the beginning, I was tricked into doing free shows because I didn’t understand the system. But those days are long gone—I give nothing away for free anymore.

When I started, I somewhat exposed my B-cup boobs, but that stopped quickly as I gained more experience.

From Camming to Porn

I’ve always been interested in doing porn, so I figured that if I could land a few porn shoots, I could make my boob goal faster. At the time, I was only camming two to three hours a night, so I thought this could speed things up.

However, I soon realized that the porn world is very different. My initial shoot was a rip-off—I had to “trick” the producer into paying me. Eventually, I found a great agent in LA who got me about ten days of work on two different trips.

Yes, I made some money and enjoyed LA both times. I stayed with a porn talent in LA who introduced me to her surgeon. On my second trip, I went back and got my breast implants.

Life After My D-Cup Transformation

I am now a D-cup, and I absolutely love them! The enhancement is also great for camming or porn gigs.

But shooting porn is hard work. You’re constantly changing positions, the guys are enormous, and they’re always ready thanks to Viagra, Cialis, or penis injections (ouch). My vaginal depth is somewhat shallow, so some of these guys push my limits.

On the bright side, most of the guys are in amazing shape—such great eye candy!

Camming Addiction and Satisfaction

So, do I still cam? Yes, because I’m addicted!

I enjoy the hustle, the power I have over customers (which they are completely unaware of), and the satisfaction of being responsible for “buckets” of cum, lol! I still get a lot of sexual satisfaction from camming.

However, I have to work under the radar. Unfortunately, camming isn’t exactly a resume enhancer—at least, not yet.

Moving to Skype and Cutting Out the Middlemen

These days, I try to focus mostly on Skype shows. They are prearranged, prepaid, and non-refundable for no-shows. It’s obviously less work but more money for me.

The biggest time sponge is the emailing and arranging, along with sorting out the guys who think I should be grateful to let them wank off for free. Seriously?

Beyond Camming: Martial Arts and Self-Discovery

I also love to fight. I’ve done kickboxing, boxing, and now MMA. I enjoy them all and even have a black belt in Martial Arts!

Camming has helped alleviate some of my excess sexual energy, but more importantly, I’ve come to know my body so much better. It has also made me a more adventurous sexual partner.

Unfortunately, I have to geo-block a large area to protect myself. I envy the girls who don’t have to do this, but everything in life is a tradeoff, I guess.

Navigating Multiple Identities

I have different names on both Naked and SM. This is necessary since the sites work hard to prevent us from steering guys to our Skype shows, which cuts them out.

Lessons from the Journey

In conclusion, I so wish WCG had been available when I started. It would have saved me from so many stupid and costly mistakes.



21 Likes 14 Comments
Was a great article to read, always interesting to hear someone else's take on the wonderful world of Cam Modeling! Thanks for sharing this, it put a smile on my face this morning.
Thanks so much for sharing! I love hearing about yout insight about parts of the adult world I don't have experience with. Wishing you lots of success!
Great article, so interesting to know more about your experience. I also want to get my tits done, nice to see a success story like yours.
Thanks, guys for reading and commenting. So many times, in this biz, we can feel all alone.Smiley (flower)
Great article. I love reading about how women got into this business and how porn isn't what they thought it would be. Thanks for sharing your stories. Smiley :)

Raven Skye
Check out to sell your fetish clips for 85% profit and no chargebacks!
Great article!
Thank you for sharing! I always enjoy reading others experiences in the industry. Sending $$$ vibes your way. Smiley :D
It's definitely not an easy place to be in, and I am also very thankful you posted this amazing article. Everyone makes mistakes and you've come so far from them it doesn't even matter now! Smiley (H)
Shana, can't thank you enough for sharing this. You said specifically, that you enjoy the control, the hustle - that really resonates with Me. This is a volatile industry, with few guarantees...I love challenging Myself, and yes, there are failures...but when I damn!
thanks for sharing.. always nice to hear peoples testimonies Smiley (flower)
Thanks for share. I really enjoyed reading it.
Interesting article. thx Smiley (flower)
You're awesome Shana! Cheers to the addiction, I love it too! heh.
YES! Thank you! I am also 31, and love kickboxing, boxing, and MMA! & this, "I enjoy the hustle, the power I have over the customers that they are not aware of and the satisfaction, I get, from being responsible for "buckets" of cum, lol! I still do get so much sexual satisfaction from camming." could've come straight from me. I am new to camming (just started this week) and I am already finding some of these challenges and successes. Thanks for this! Smiley (H)Smiley (flower)Smiley (H)

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