WeCamgirls wins award during Bucharest Summit!
We are proud to tell you that WeCamgirls has won the award for Best Webcam Community!
We are proud to tell you that WeCamgirls has won the award for Best Webcam Community!
We've been working, tweaking, tuning a lot on WeCamgirls lately. Some of the changes you can see others are on the back-end. The latest big update has been the Profile pages. We've redesigned it so it looks better with the rest of the site. We've also added a background image which you can change by clicking it (or if you go to edit). Currently you can pick one of the 20 backgrounds. Latest changes: We are starting to replace the ubb code. The ubb buttons (with the vid icon, youtube icon etc. on top of the reply area) are now gone. This has been currently updated: * If you want to add a youtube vid to your post, you can just copy paste the link and the vid will be shown. * When you add a link to a post it will be clickable automatically Adding pics is on the to-do list. We create things on the fly while the site is live. Because of this you sometimes might encounter an error. If you still encouter them after a day or so, please post it in this topic.
On March 9th we have a free live webinar presented by Augusto Vazquez and Michel Zarate, Business Developers of BimBim. The time of the webinar is 5:00PM CET (11:00AM EST / 8:00AM PST).
The date for the webinar has passed. You can find a recording of the webinar here:
What is BimBim? Bimbim is a new content selling / subscription platform created by LiveJasmin.
Since 1997, the idea behind interNEXT has been to cultivate and nurture connections in the adult business. The internationally renowned show - which features two full days of networking opportunities, seminars, workshops and parties with the most influential figures in the worldwide community - will take place February 10 - 11, 2021 ONLINE!
Join the event and start networking! It's Free
The winner of the snowball fight is TessaJoy with 155 snowballs! Congrats, you have won 1000 Cam4 tokens!
During the Christmas Holidays (starting the 24th and until January 1st, 2021 - 11:59 pm) there's going to be a Snowball Fight on WeCamgirls!
Wait wut? Are we going to do snowballing?
Not that kind of snowballing
How does it work?
You can earn snowballs by posting messages on each others wall. To prevent spam you can only earn 1 snowball per wall.
And then?
You can throw your earned snowballs at each other. It will be fun they said...
And theeeeen?
The one who throws the most snowballs wins 1,000 Cam4 Tokens, sponsored by Cam4!
Ain't nobody got time for that! I don't like snowballs!
You can always opt out through your settings page.
How do I throw snowballs
There's a link on everybody's profile page
To prevent spam, only messages longer than 200 characters earn you a snowball!
Guess what’s happening soon? The second all-virtual YNOT Summit! The summit will run from December 1 through 3 and registration is FREE. Read on for more details. We can’t wait to see you there! You can read more information here: https://www.ynotcam.com/2020/11/19/ynot-summit-december-2020-details/
We've launched the new design for WeCamgirls. There are a lot of small changes we have still have to fix. It was way easier to launch and see what's not working correctly, than to have two working designs next to each other.
Everything that you think might be better or not working you may report in this topic
We have the following to do list:
- Update design information pages for camsites/contentselling/Payment etc.
- Update design wallposts and comments
- Update design Reviews
- Update design Browse camsites and compare camsites
- Design of popup with pictures (mobile)
- Like button in feed
- Design of CGC admin panel
- Updated the resource sites listings (camsites/content/etc.)
- Updated the design for comments on articles
- Menus in feed
- Pages with Wall of Shame
- Article pages
- Onboarding pages
- Pages with Jobs
- Overall design main page, profiles, forum, help pages etc.
We are working on a new design for wecamgirls. We will keep it close to the current looks, but with new code elements. So if things don't look right or don't work please leave a comment here.
Pineapple Support would like to collaborate with all performers and models, and ask you to share your knowledge, wisdom and advice to those beginning their journey. The campaign is focusing on giving advice to performers entering the industry and will include short videos from performers giving advice on self-care, tip and tricks, finance, health and wellbeing. Questions: “What advice would I give to myself before entering to adult industry?” “What would I have done differently?” “What do I do for self-care?” “Do I have any tips & tricks to share?” “What is my favourite part of working in the adult industry?" The videos should be between 1-5 minutes in length and have positive undertones while touching on serious subjects. Each person submitting a video will be asked to include their performer name and social media handles. Videos are to be 1-5 mins in length, shot in landscape and sent in MP4 format. Please include performer’s twitter handle in video title. The videos will be cut and edited into montages as well as used individually. They will be promoted across our social media platforms and website. Pineapple Support will reach out to platforms and individuals to ask for video contributions. Videos submitted by platforms will have the company logo displayed during the video. Publicity Waiver and Release form to be completed by all persons submitting content. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h8kqjgtijvwc5f3/What%20Advice%20Publicity%20Waiver%20and%20Release.pdf?dl=0 Kindest regards, Leya Tanit Founder and President of Pineapple Support www.PineappleSupport.org
CGC Status updates are posted again on the https://twitter.com/CamGCollective twitter account.
We are happy to announce that the following members that have participated in the Model.Cam giveaway, have won! The first prize, 400 euro goes to: BBWVixxen http://seemevixxen.cam The second prize, 200 euro goes to: LunaPetite http://lunapetite.cam And the third prize, 100 euro goes to: FawnaFuller http://fawnafuller.cam Congrats!
Yesterday AWmeetup opened their online doors and there are interesting speakers! Tickets are free and it is a good way to meet other people from the industry:
Today there will be some new sessions and virtual booths, masterclasses and business talk, for example the Littleredbunny talkshow and Q&A so don't miss out.
We're happy to announce that we can start a new giveaway, sponsored by Model.cam. Model.cam is a free service that you can use to create your own professional website. The software works great and has a lot of useful and cool features, while keeping the user interface clean and easy to work with. We're very glad that we can offer you guys this cool giveaway.
By the end of 2012 we had 868 active members. 5 years later in 2017 we reached the 10k mark and today I'm happy to announce that WeCamgirls has reached 25,000 members! It's been (almost) exactly 8 years since we started the site and in these past 8 years WeCamgirls has grown into a serious force to be reckoned with! (and of course it is a lot of fun to hang out )
Thank you for making this site possible!
Yesterday 2 major event oragnizers, LAL Expo and AW summit send out press releases that the shows they were going to host (US Edition of LAL Expo in Vegas and the AWsummit in Mamaia Romania) will be postponed. New dates for LALExpo Las Vegas will be October 4-6 2020. The new AWsummit dates are not yet clear, but it is expected that it will take place at the end of August 2020. The corona virus has a very big impact on all kinds of events and we wish the organizers of these shows all our best.
We are happy to announce that WeCamgirls has won the Award for Best Online Live Cam Community during the Live Cam Awards in Cascais Portugal.
Winning this Award means that you guys get the recognition you deserve!
As always, it was a great show and this time it was hosted by the amazing cam couple, Emma and Eddy Lovett.
Thank you for voting and we also have a giveaway winner!
The Amazon giftcard goes to HotCountryRose
WeCamgirls will attend the AVN, InterNext and Affiliate Summit in Las Vegas next couple of days.
Feel free to reach out and have a beer with us Looking forward hearing your experiences with and suggestions for WeCamgirls!
The Kiiroo giveaway has ended and we are happy to announce the follwoing winners! The 3rd price, A Kiiroo Esca 2, goes to.... DaniDiann The 2nd price, A Kiiroo Fuse, goes to.... CatalinaSantana And the winner of the 1st price, A Kiiroo Esca 2 and a Kiiroo Fuse, is... VickiLeeVixx!!! Congratzzzz!! And thank you Kiiroo for making this great giveaway possible!
xMystiquex has been moderator here on WeCamgirls for over 7 years. I'm very said to tell everybody that she decided it was time to say goodbye. We will miss her very much and we'd like to thank her for all she has done for the site. Thank you. We wish you all the the best for your future endeavors!