I can't say enough good things about Phrendly. The only down side is the support, which at this stage is non-existent. I'm guessing it's because they're so new. When I first started 2 weeks ago I had 2 separate calls that didn't go through because of a glitch in the system. Took me a week to find the support contact, which is
[email protected] (duh me...) I sent them a message about it and haven't heard back yet. ***Edit: Support took about 3 days for the initial response and then they were very quick to respond. I'm raising my rating for Support from 3 to 4. Thank you!
Everything else is amaze balls. Each conversation has a unique phone number on my phone, so I can add them if they are regulars. Texts are immediate and you'll start getting messages the first day. The faster you respond, the higher up on their "Phrendly Formla" you'll be. If you're chatting a lot all day, you'll get more chat requests. The first day takes a few hours before your profile is approved. If you're signing up overnight or on the weekend give some time because I think they only approve during week days.
I've only done 1 phone call so far. It was short, so the caller didn't waste any time getting down to business. I make it clear on my profile that I'm looking for sexy action, which I think helps to attract the phone sex and sexting clients. 60% of the messages you get will be "Hi!" and that's it, so be prepared with some responses that can lead them into a conversation (eg. "Hey sexy. I'm a little drunk and totally horny right now."). Have a few different ones you cycle through and type it slightly different every time because some people will sign up for 2 accounts. Try to be genuine.
A new user starts out with $5 in their account that they can use for chatting, aka, "sips". There are 20 sips to $10, so they start out with 10 sips to start a convo with you. You only get paid if you respond!! So if they text you twice, you only get paid for the last one you responded to. The trick is to get them hooked within the first 4 texts. Then you can usually go for a bit. You can text a max of 3 times in a row, but you only get paid for the first one. I try to leave one text available in case they leave and I want to try and re-initiate contact tomorrow.
It is marketed as a dating site and they try to emphasize "exclusively online", but there are a few guys on there who are genuinely looking for a relationship. I'm usually straight up with these guys. Let them know that I'm on here for the sexing, phone sex, and cam porn and that if they're looking for a partner, this probably isn't the best site to use. I've had a couple of them convert to sexing with me, so this seems like a good strategy. They think, "Ok, I can see why I should be paying $0.50 per text when you're so descriptive about my cock."
I think the 'dating site' marketing brings in good traffic that wouldn't otherwise be there. Only about 15% of people who message me are looking for a irl date and get turned off by the site. I think most guys wouldn't try to message me if I weren't specifically marketing for sexy fun time, and a lot of them understand from the getgo. They know the gig, they've bought services from cammers before. Maybe 50% are new at sexting, but that doesn't stop them from being willing to pay for it. It's a very positive and mutually beneficial environment.
Unfortunately the texting rate is fixed so you can't change it. You get about $0.35 for each text you respond to and its the same for MMS (photos). Unlike other texting sites, you do not get paid for your texts or multiple texts. Only for the last text you responded to. There is such high traffic though, that I find it easier to get into and a great choice if you're just starting out in this niche. The cash flow is more consistent than other sexting sites.
Every once in a while you will also get a camming request. The pay for camming is low, but you can change it in your payout settings. Camming can range from $0.12 to $3.68 per min. I'm usually in the $3 range, so this is ok for me. As you set your rates it keeps a fixed relation to the phone sex price as well ($0.08 to $2.93 per minute for phone sex). I actually kinda like the fixed relationship thing because it reduces the notion that I need to compete with the other girls on the site. I do wish it would let you charge more though, some days I don't wanna take calls so on other site I'll raise the price for the day to reduce time wasters. Can't do that here. The biggest advantage of this site is the traffic.
Payout is automated and reliable. I don't have any back charges yet, so I don't know if they do chargebacks or anything like that. Pretty sure they have a no-refund policy. I get daily payout as long as I earn over $10, which I always do if I'm not too lazy to pick up the phone. They say there's no such thing as easy money, but I say sexting here is probably the closest you can come to it. Very stress relieving and invigorating to start your initial contact with someone through text, then later lead to camming or phone sex.
It takes about 10 days to get paid (give or take 2 days). I got my first payment today, and I'm absolutely thrilled. If approached casually, you could start out earning about $300 a month. If you get serious you can make as much on this site as some other popular camming site. If you have a policy of multiple income streams like I do, this is definitely a site to keep in your arsenal. I love it, I love the site design, I love the guys and the community, I seriously love everything about Phrendly!