please if it's possible unblock/unlock only 1 account on only this 1 website
can help me? let me know please Thanks ok bye
What are the changes? Is it out oft than Mark a-hole's hands?
I gave very low stars because I actually haven't really used this site. I honestly really need to make a list of the sites that I am on because I totally forgot about this site until now, whoops.
Why would you for God’s sake gave low stars if you haven’t really actualy used that site. it's like giving reviews of a pizzeria where you've never eaten pizza. I don't know what your IQ but this does not sounds good.
CMD has problems of course but it is unfair to bring down their ratings on here if you have no personal issues to report. Reviews need to be your experience.
I was working in the CMD very nice but when they changed to CMD 2.0 was and is still very difficult to be totally aproved again in the directory.
Could you tell me why i am not yet in the directory CMD please ? the past month I uploaded all the videos and photos with the requirements.
And When I ask to helpchat-suport in CMD they used to send me once and again the requirements step by step as they are writen in the CMD page. And I read it in the page, they are not specific what is the rejected or what is the problem with me.
The helpchatsuport people need to say to us -OH IS BECAUSE OF YOUR PROFILE MAIN VIDEO HD IS NOT WITH NICE VOICE.
whatever, but say something, or mark the video or so, I can't ride minds.
Hello Shanyf, I am sorry for your on going experience. Please, if you could DM me here I will be happy to assist you as best I can and help improve your experience with us
Well I am still waiting for you, I sent this DM here some days ago.
I’m choosing 1 star all around. Here’s why:
I’ve been here on CMD 2.0 since it launched I believe in Feb 2022. I noticed many models on CMD 2.0 had a lot of reviews and I had zero, however when I referenced my original CMD page I saw I had a good amount. I can recall at least 10. We all know how hard it is to get reviews. I opened a support ticket asking why I had no reviews. The reply was that it was impossible to get your old reviews on your new 2.0 page. I replied by asking why other models had reviews from over a year ago when CMD 2.0 was brand new. He then replies with, I will investigate this. I get no reply. I open a second support ticket a month later asking about it. I get a reply from CMD administration on Skype saying they are working on it and they’re sorry for the delay. Fast forward to today. My reviews from the old CMD were deleted and never migrated. I found this odd. I felt like I was not being treated fairly.
Then, I learn through other models that I am receiving messages from a scammer hired by a model to encourage me to accept off site payment. The CMD compliance team send me an email warning and refuses to provide proof that I ever offered this. Given I’m not only listed on CMD, a warning email of a “rigorous investigation” without allowing my own defense, is unethical and unjust. On top of that, the report was submitted by another model. Is that not odd to the support team? Why would she have access to a member’s screenshots, and why would he set me up to then just report me. This is a hostile work environment. I have been stalked and harassed by a model for almost a year. She has reported over 5 times, causing my profile to be removed and my money to be on hold until the issues resolved. I’ve been Investigated and threatened by CMD Compliance without proof of any of these claims. This is not right. Something needs to be done about the hostile environment that is being allowed and encouraged and something HAS to happen about MISS DROPO SUNSHINE, MISTRESS SUNSHINE, MISTRESS UNIVERSE or whatever her name is this week. She is harassing myself and other models upon seeing herself drop in rank on the CMD homepage. If nothing is done, I can only assume this company is operating on some sort of favoritism or nepotism with that model and other models listed on the site.
Hello MissPinUp, I first want to talk about the situation with reviews from CMD Old to CMD 2.0. Back when CMD 2.0 was launched in December 2021, we waited to move the reviews from CMD old to CMD 2.0 for those models who were actively using 2.0 in January 2022. We will be transferring the reviews for models who have CMD old reviews needing to be transferred and we will be working on this in the New Year. I have confirmed that you are already on this list 🙂
Secondly, as for the situation between you and another model. Please bring this case to the Quality Team and/or send me a PM. We would need to see all of the interactions with the scammer, model in question, and any other evidence you may have. After speaking with the Quality Team, they have no issue in sharing with you the evidence provided to us about the report filed for accepting offsite payment. Please contact them or send me a PM to set this up.
We do not promote, encourage, or tolerate a hostile environment for anyone who uses our platform. If you or another model are experiencing this, please report this to us immediately so we can investigate.
Thank you Frankie. I will send in a new report, but this info has been reported by the other model who is being harassed and there seems to be a staff member who is terminating these reports and aiding in MISS UNIVERSE (new name today) in staying on the platform. Are you a supervisor? I feel that I cannot even trust support staff at this point after being told her actions are “impossible” or that she did not do these things. Send me the name of the support staff supervisor and then I will provide this info.
Wow yes please move all the older reviews, that would be great.
I'm waiting for 1 month and they still didn't review my account... I was on site before and it was good but now it's a dead place with rude and unprofessional support
Hello Mary

I do apologize for the delay and your experience thus far. We strive to have profiles reviewed and up and going as quickly as possible. If you could please PM me so I can have a look at your account?