Traffic | |
Payment | |
Support | |
Software | |
4.5 |
Payment Methods | Check (mailed/emailed) Bank wire transfer Paxum |
Payment Minimum | 50 USD |
Payment Frequency | Bi weekly |
Geoblocking | Not yet |
Female Models | |
Male Models | |
TG Models | |
Couple Models | |
Number of Camgirls | Over a 100 stores |
Languages | English |
Official Reps | Maxine2018 |
WeCamgirls Members | 0 |
Incorrect or missing information? | Contact Tristan |
On Clipfoo you can keep 60% of what you earn. Payouts are sent every week with a minimum of $50 via check or PAXUM. Wire payments are $100 minimum with a $15 wire fee