Payment Methods • Check (mailed/emailed)
Payment Frequency On the 15th of the month following the month in which sale occurred.
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On Clipette, sellers get 60% of the sales.

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MichelleDeTX wrote a review about Clippette
This site is no longer running....


Dear Customers and Store Owners,

We regret to announce that, due to unexpected circumstances beyond our control, must cease operations, effective 3/3/2014.

We thank our loyal customers for your business and support over the last several years. It has been our genuine pleasure to serve you. We especially thank our store owners, whom we believe are some of the best erotic artists in the world. It has been a joy to work with all of you, and we wish we were able to continue.

Checks for over $50 (including February 2014 sales) will be mailed at the usual time. Store owners with balances of less than $50 due on their accounts will be mailed a final check.

We will be sending a follow-up email to all store owners next week, with more details about the circumstances that led us to cease operations. Once again, thank you for having made Clippette part of your lives. Though we're sad to say goodbye, we wish everyone great success, health and happiness in the future.

Nick and Lisa"
MissJen wrote a review about Clippette
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