This site is really annoying me and is the best site for me up until now at the same time. It’s a love-hate relationship. It has potential wich they are not fully using, has stupid staff members and I bet they’re mostly men. Read til the end, it’s not necessarily a bad site it probably just has men on their staff that think they know what they are doing like mostly in this cam business. Funny... mostly woman bring in the dough but men dominate this business...
Things that bother me
While paying Gold/Ultimate members, or how ever they are called now, get to have a 24/7 LIVE support that is, models have to use a shitty out of date ticket system WITH ONE TOPIC AT A TICKET! They literally told me to open up one ticket with one topic. Are you fucking kidding me?
I have had enough experiences when it comes to pre written bullshit and unhelpful answers or answers that I didn’t ask for and questions I asked and being ignored but they certainly top all of them bad experiences I had with bad support whether it’s cam site related or in my personal life.
I have been bashing out on them hardcore and they stay “professional” if you can call it that, after realizing what incompetent staff they have. I don’t know what is worse: The fact they stay calm, and ignoring my outbursts about what bothers me or getting “real” not pre written or “professional” answers and have a real conversation but with a reaction to my tone of writing. Either way - 90% of my contact with
Stripchat has been frustrating and super annoying. And I have been writing them a lot - a waste of time.
I hate the fact that I have a 1080 HD and very expensive WebCam and cannot use it in it’s full range since the site only goes up to 720 resolution. To stream in HD quality you have to use OBS. That’s just sad but I guess not uncommon on sites. I don’t like OBS and it’s not working on OS (Mac/MacBook). But I want to find out why because if you don’t put information right in front of men’s faces they will still ask stupid already answered questions, since they are too stupid to read your profile! Oh wait... they also ask stupid stuff even when models use OBS and have all the information put out there ON THE SCREEN!
You can’t do anything about stupidity!
I have been struggling with the fact that my stream is always freezing and I really don’t know why. I did everything there is to do when that problem comes up but I guess I’m cursed or something, wich would not be a surprise to me to be very honest. I haven’t noticed this phenomenon with other streams on the site and it’s really irritating me. I’m very fit when it comes to technical stuff but I can’t figure out why my stream keeps freezing way more than others. That it gets stuck for split seconds every once in a while is normal on the site but the way it has been freezing while I’m streaming is just not making sense. I’ve tried so much and I still have that problem more than others and I just don’t get why. Sometimes it gets better but most of the time I have to reboot everything every few minutes.
I just saw that users were complaining about the stream of a model is not working properly and said things like:”nothing new on this site” and “
Stripchat has shits for brains” so I guess It does happen with other streams. But I have been watching other streams closely and it hasn’t happen the way it was happening to my stream... I have no clue to be honest.
Stripchat definitely sets their priorities very wrong! It’s more about the paying (or not) customers rather than about their models.
Why? I tell you why. They support cyber bullying. Yes you heard me right.
I still haven’t figured out the „blocking/muting“ system for obnoxious customers because to be honest there is nothing to figure out because it’s plain bullshit and dangerous!
As far as I understood (after being there for almost a year with little brakes in between)
You have two options, if you can call it that.
1. Mute someone for 24 hours...
Muting for them is: the customer can’t write in open chat anymore but can still see and hear you... oh boo hoo! Like he cares that he can’t write anymore but can still stroke his useless piece of meat on my and paying members expenses? Get a fucking grip!
2. Block someone for 30 days...
After 30 days the user can contact you again... what comes out if it is that models get harassed. Which happened to me.
This is what that little prick wrote
(translated from German to English)
looky here 30 days are over .. and the Bitch not here .. such a pitty ... you are uncultivated .. arrogant and your behavior is that of a peasant woman .. your token begging is pathetic .. poor little ghetto child .. me I never parasitized because there is nothing I wanted to see anyways ... furthermore there is no obligation to donate tokens because we can look for free ... unless you want to see something from a uneducated cow .. if you get a boner as a man because of you at all .. at least I never got one .. that's why I never gave anything .. it's that easy .. and now... have a nice life... Bitch ...
It’s not the fact WHAT he wrote it’s the fact THAT he could write me again. And you know what?
Stripchat didn’t do shit instead they told me that they keep to this system because they “want to teach” users lessons how to have manners”... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!? Oh my god, I was so furious I even broke something wich is so untypical for me!!
I made it public on twitter but no one really cared but I guess that is due to my lack of interaction on social media but still...
so therefore they support bullying and potential self harm. It will strike the wrong girl someday and god knows what could happen. And no one would notice... it’s downright terrifying, irresponsible and it should be illegal if it isn’t already! Fucking hypocrites! If I would not be making decent money on this pathetic site I would have banned this site and made sure it closed down! Never, ever have I seen such a dangerous blocking system on a cam site! But something did change. I can’t remember if it was when muting (24 h) or blocking (30 days) but one of them finally doesn’t allow the user to see or hear your stream anymore. But I think it was when being muted, don’t know how it is when being blocked for 30 days. The user can’t even see your profile anymore wich I thought was a bit harsh and dumb since they take away a potential passive income from a model. Yes, I have had several cases before this change, that users still bought content even though I muted or blocked them. But I’m just glad they finally used their brains to make sure that the user can’t hear or see you anymore while streaming. I mean what is the point of muting/blocking an asshole if he can still see you and keep jerking off on my and paying members expenses?!?!? Jesus, this drives up my blood pressure just writing about this. The easiest and most simple things that should work are not working and that just reminds me of all the dumb men I have had to deal with in my personal and work life in the past, present and future! It can’t be a coincidence - the staff of
Stripchat must me male I swear to god...
Though the user is right about these statements he did by harassing me:
The “30 days are over” comment:
He took advantage of it and practically prayed on me and just waited to write me! 30 days later that is!
The “furthermore there is no obligation to donate tokens because we can look for free” comment. And that’s the main problem at these sites thanks to
Chaturbate wich started this fucking concept as far my researches made clear. Correct me if I’m wrong.
The support is very quick I have to give them that but useless as crap, even crap can be used for something. Like throwing it at idiots such as them.
The “begging for tokens” comment. Yes, I always have to remind these useless little jackoffs to tip me and that’s also something I can not get used to on Freemium sites. I’m not the only one that has to “beg” for tokens and it’s about time something changes in the industry.
To be able to mute/block someone, the user has to have written something in your Chat (Live Stream). If they haven’t written anything you can’t to shit. Like what the hell? I have so many freeloaders that don’t write and have zero tokens all the time or freeloaders that have tons of tokens and also don’t write. And I can’t do anything about it. I feel helpless on this site. But then I tried something and I think it worked. I added these creeps to my friends list and once they accepted I blocked them. I think that still works, I would have to try it out again to make sure.
I have noticed that compared to the English speaking realm that German models
a: make way less money on
b: traffic is also way less on
I have been telling them over and over that you should be able to tag the flags that resemble the languages you speak. There is a difference between the tagged flags and the languages you speak. I speak three languages and I can’t do shit with it on
I should be able to select the German, British and the American flag (Luxembourgish doesn’t make sense, I know that).
At the beginning I had severe problems because they automatically go by your ID, wich in my case is French and therefore I mainly had French customers in my stream. It was funny but it would have been funnier if I would have made money wich I didn’t really because I DON’T SPEAK FRENCH WORTH SHIT. It took me two months to finally get their little brains to work when I came up with the idea to send them my German driving license and I finally got my German flag wich is also worth shit as explained further up. But at least I had German speaking customers in my stream. You can’t only go by ID and that’s what they are doing. I would have been stuck with the French flag if I WOULD NOT HAVE COME UP WITH THAT IDEA! Since they don’t go by the languages you speak or rather you can’t tag them in a flag, traffic and payment is way lower for German WebCamModels compared to English speaking models and languages like Brazilian, Spanish, Portuguese etc. While I and other German models maybe have 50 users in their room other models have a minimum of 1000 users. Tokens are flying around that I become sick from watching. German models on this site are doing so much for free and none German models sneeze and get 100 token. Not all none German models but 80% I would say. I just don’t know what is up with that and
Stripchat, like always, dodges uncomfortable questions.
I tried by choosing every single language in the section “languages I speak” and now I can speak almost every language on this god for saken planet and I did notice that it changed the type of users I have in my streams. But not a severe change. If they don’t help me, I’ll help myself - nothing new. It’s the story of my life actually.
They constantly work on the page but NOT WHAT WOULD BE NECESSARY! Some changes are cool yeah but the really important things like usability, blocking system, stream quality is being ignored. What was cool was that they took over an idea I had for them. I said that it would be helpful to see how much a user has already spent on a model. You hover over the users name and there you can see the total amount of tokens they have spend on a model. You are welcome.. it would also be helpful if you could see in what time frame but let’s not push it, ey?
I’m also missing some real statics on how a model is doing on the site. Stats about your income, you know a chart or what ever. There are bits and pieces when it comes to that but nothing really that helpful.
I have so may ideas and improvement ideas for this site because I see a lot of potential in it but to be honest.... I’m just sick and tired to run after things that should be normal and clear without a model telling a site. It’s such a common thing in this industry and I learned that when I open up my mouth I get silenced even though the things I am talking about are not things that would be impossible to improve or to add. I’m used to it I guess that I’m always the bad guy.
You don’t get notified when someone has bought content. I see it when the total amount of token has changed. I see who bought it and how much it cost... I don’t see what they bought... these kind of things should be improved and not the unimportant bullshit they keep adding or improving. Like I said - priorities set wrong!
Pictures are no problem wich no one buys. I learned that videos are more popular than pictures. At least that my experience.
Uploading videos is another story. They have to keep working on it all the time. Recorded shows or uploaded content doesn’t play on both ends - customer and model. My eldest content cannot be played. At least that’s the latest stand on things.
Little things add up to being frustrated on
Stripchat and if I would have not developed very fast within a few months and not be making decent money for my needs I would have wished them a good time in hell.
But from all the sites I have tried out it’s the best site I have stumbled upon so far. Ironic and very sad at the same time...
Models getting notifications or users getting notifications doesn’t really work. For example: I don’t get notified when someone wrote me etc.
It is possible to record your private shows without any external software and are being saved to your videos (where you upload your videos).... or not. It’s Russian roulette. Users can also save them to their collection if
Stripchat doesn’t fuck up. What sucks is, that you can’t save them as a file so therefore you have to screen record them to be able to use them on other cam sites/content selling sites. But as far as I remember there is no logo in the corner so you can save time on editing.
Stripchat is one of the sites that offers the most payment methods that I have seen on a site. 10 to be exact.
Paxum (50$ Minimum)
ePayService (50€ Minimum) Nothing about dollars? I guess it’s a European payment provider?
Cosmo Payment (50$ Minimum)
QIWI (50$ Minimum)
Bitcoin, Etherium,
Bitcoin Cash
(All 50$ Minimum)
Euro Transfer (SEPA) (100$ Minimum)
ACH/Direct deposit (100$ Minimum)
Local transfer/Directa24 (50$ Minimum)
International Transfer (500$)
Check (100$)
Payment is on point. I use
Paxum and I always got my money on time.
Money to e-wallets get payed out every week on Tuesdays and none electronic transfers every two weeks if I recall right.
I’ve been with the site since mid January of 2020. I took breaks in between otherwise I would have given me a bullet but effectively I was online for 7 months but not straight 7 months I would have add the hours and do the math but I would say it’s part time and made fairly good money. For a German Cammodel on this site I guess not bad, for the given reasons to why. For me it’s better than I expected since it fired off very fast and I didn’t took advantage of the boost you get the first two weeks I believe it was on the site since I wasn’t able to cam. Within that time of effectively 7 moths I gained over 8000 fans wich I was also surprised about. If everyone of these little pricks would only give 1 cent per month I would have 800$ per month. So I guess these are just numbers after all. Just like the fact about having many users in a room and no one is tipping and having a few users in your room but a lot of them are tipping. So yeah... just numbers.
Ouch my fingers hurt. I guess I have said the main things about
Stripchat. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. You can also use my social media if you like.
All in all I am happy when the staff changes and they finally listen to their models especially when tips and feedback are free of charge. We should be paid to give a site feedback, ideas for improvement etc. since it’s the most valuable thing you can get and what happens most of the time? They treat us like crap. Sites would be nothing without us models but it’s just like with employees and employer. Employer also forget that they would be nothing without employees. It’s a marry-go-around I guess. If no one is there to provide work no one can take work and the other way around. It’s like with the egg and the hen. Wich one was there first? But I think someone figured that one out if I recall right haha no clue but you know what I mean.
I hope I can use this community to let out some steam and find fellow models that feel the same about this cam world that just doesn’t seem to make sense in so many ways. I have been on WCG for a while but haven’t been active due to health problems and just trying to survive but I think I should have taken a look into it and maybe it would have prevented me from bad experiences. But hey, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right? Well then I’m Hulk...
If I can edit this review after I have postet it I can maybe add some things I have forgotten or make a normal post on my profile wall.
Stay strong - you are definitely not alone in this crazy rabbit hole called Cam World.