Payment Methods | Credit Card |
Payment Frequency | First payment is a fortnight after your first sale, then weekly after that. |
Geoblocking | |
Female Models | |
Male Models | |
TG Models | |
Couple Models | |
Number of Camgirls | The site just launched and has currently 20 models |
Languages | English |
Chargebacks | Chargebacks are removed for models earnings, this is mandatory for us to maintain super low commissions. |
Official Reps | YespiperLLC |
WeCamgirls Members | 0 |
Incorrect or missing information? | Contact Tristan |
How much you earn on YesPiper varies largely on; how many hours you work, how much traffic you bring to the site, how much promotion you do etc. The average appears to be around $250/month. As for percentages - At time of writing Yes Piper currently charges 17.5% commission on subscription/tip earnings and 25% on Extras earnings (Private video bookings, paid message chat, go "live" video). I.e. you can keep 82.5% or 75% of what your earn.