Welcome to the exclusive announcement regarding the upcoming project titled Fluffer, a unique scripted comedy series collaboration between Mitch Smith Media and Bad Girl Mafia set to be filmed in Kentucky. This series humorously explores the adult film industry through the eyes of Emma, who becomes a "Fluffer" amidst the COVID crisis. The first season is scheduled for filming this August, and casting for three supporting roles is now open:
Interested actors are invited to submit their audition tapes, including a headshot, a brief introduction, and a reading of one of the provided scenes for each role. Auditions are open until 12:01 a.m. on May 24th, 2021, with no late submissions accepted. Top candidates will be contacted for a Skype interview in early June for final casting decisions.
For more details, including the sides for each role, visit HERE. Any questions or issues with submissions should be directed to Mitch Smith at Fluffer The Series ([email protected]).
Good luck to all our aspiring actors from the Fluffer Team!