Welcome to the discussion on the best paying platforms and traffic sources for European webcam models. This thread delves into the challenges and solutions related to payment methods, platform traffic, and maintaining anonymity for part-time models in Europe. Below is a summary of the key points and contributions from our community members:

  • Several models express difficulty finding platforms that offer favorable payment methods and good traffic, especially for those who prefer not to show their face.
  • Platforms like Chaturbate and Webcammodels are mentioned as options where models can work without showing their face, though earnings can vary.
  • Payment solutions such as CosmoPayment and Paxum are recommended. However, concerns are raised about direct payments to Paypal or bank accounts due to potential issues with adult content.
  • It's advised that Paypal may freeze accounts associated with adult work, and models should seek alternative methods like SEPA transfers, Bitsafe, or cryptocurrency options.
  • SEPA transfers are highlighted as a preferred method, though some models face challenges with minimum withdrawal amounts and transaction fees.
  • Discussion on the use of cryptocurrencies, with Binance mentioned for its convenience and ability to transfer money to bank accounts.
  • Models share experiences with different payment methods, including international wire transfers and the possibility of using Paxum for European bank transfers.
  • There's a consensus on the need for careful consideration of payment platforms to avoid issues with account freezes and to ensure privacy and financial security.

This thread is a valuable resource for European webcam models looking for insights on managing their earnings and finding platforms that accommodate their needs for privacy and part-time schedules.

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