
Welcome to the vibrant discussion on "Bikini Wednesdays are back on Amateur.TV! πŸ‘™". This thread is all about showcasing your finest bikini performances, but swimsuits and other summer attire are also welcome. Participants stand a chance to win up to $250 in prizes through our BONUS RANKING system.

  • Extra Prizes for Models: Models who have a public Twitter account can earn additional rewards. By posting a tweet announcing your broadcast along with a photo/video of yourself and the hashtag #BikiniWednesdays, and earning 12,000 coin tips, you'll receive an extra 12,000 coins. Remember to reply to our specific tweet with "PARTICIPATE" and your Amateur username to qualify for this prize. For more details, check out the link provided in the original post.

For comprehensive information and to take part in the excitement, follow the link shared in the original post. Dive into the summer vibes and make the most of this fantastic opportunity!


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