Welcome to the discussion on preferences for broadcasting times and how they align with specific events and incentives offered. In this thread, participants share their strategies and experiences related to optimizing their schedules based on audience availability and platform promotions. Highlights include:

  • A special weekend event at Amateur that rewards broadcasters for participating in both morning and evening slots.
  • The event offers $3,500 in cash prizes and 6 Happy Hours, distributed across morning and night rankings.
  • Detailed schedule:
    • Morning Ranking: 00:00 - 11:00 (UTC)
    • Night Ranking: 11:00 - 00:00 (UTC)
  • Participants are encouraged to promote their broadcasts on social media for additional visibility, with the platform offering promotional support.
  • Updates on rankings will be available every 10 minutes on the website, with prizes awarded at the conclusion of the event.
  • For more information or assistance, a link to the event's blog is provided, along with an invitation to contact the organizers directly.

This discussion serves as a resource for models to plan and maximize their participation in events, leveraging both their preferred broadcasting times and the opportunities provided by the platform to increase their success and earnings.

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