Forum members are discussing recent issues with Paxum, particularly concerning longer processing times for fund withdrawals. Key points from the discussion include:

  • Many users report that withdrawal times have increased from 24 hours to up to 5 business days.
  • Some members mentioned that their local bank transfers used to be instant but now take several days, with some transfers being rejected by banks.
  • Australian models have faced issues with not being able to withdraw funds for over a month.
  • Users suggest having alternative payment methods ready, like crypto wallets or other payment platforms, due to the uncertainty with Paxum.
  • Some members received responses from Paxum indicating that delays might be due to a transition to a new banking partner and advised using crypto transfers in the meantime.
  • There are mixed reports about the effectiveness of Paxum's service for European models, with some experiencing delays and others having smoother transactions after initial issues.
  • Members expressed frustration with Paxum's customer service and the lack of communication from company representatives on the forum.

Overall, the consensus is that while Paxum has been reliable in the past, recent issues have caused significant delays and frustration, prompting many to consider alternative payment solutions.

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