Managing boundaries with clients who seek a "friends" vibe can be challenging. Here are some strategies shared by members:

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Establish that your service is transactional, not a friendship. Be firm about what is included in their purchase.
  • Business Hours: Implement business hours for responding to messages to maintain personal time and control over interactions.
  • Charge for Extra Time: If clients want more personal interaction, consider charging a premium rate for that time, similar to a GFE or sugar baby arrangement.
  • Create a Persona: Develop a separate persona for your work to protect your personal life and maintain professional boundaries.
  • No Freebies: Avoid giving out free content or engaging in unpaid interactions. Every message and interaction should be compensated.
  • Immediate Action: When a client oversteps, set boundaries immediately. If necessary, block clients who become too demanding or personal.

By enforcing these boundaries, you can protect your energy and ensure that your interactions remain professional and profitable.

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