This discussion centers around the recent payout issues faced by international models working with NiteFlirt. Several key points are highlighted:

  • International models are experiencing non-payment issues, with some reporting owed amounts exceeding 3k USD.
  • NiteFlirt has ceased using Masspay for international transactions, offering only paper checks as an alternative, which many banks no longer accept.
  • Support from NiteFlirt has been unresponsive, causing frustration and leading some models to stop working with the platform.
  • Suggestions include:
    • Opening a US bank account to facilitate payments.
    • Using third-party services like Daily Pay Service (DPS), although its current status is unclear.
    • Exploring alternative payment methods like Skrill or Yoursafe.
  • Models are sharing their experiences and solutions, such as finding banks that still accept paper checks despite the inconvenience.

Participants in the discussion express disappointment and frustration with the outdated payment methods and the lack of support from NiteFlirt.

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