In this discussion, members are exploring the use of Telegram for sexting and its monetization. One member is curious about the setup, pricing, and overall experience, especially after seeing a model on Reddit manage two Telegram channels, with one being subscription-based.

Another member shared their personal experience with Telegram, noting some challenges:

  • Upon registering, all business contacts were able to find them, which led to some initial sales but the interest faded after three weeks.
  • For payments, they use Revolut linked to their phone number, but this reveals both their name and the client's name.
  • They prefer bank transfers within the same country and sometimes use another individual's name for these transactions.
  • Clients generally dislike official adult payment methods, which is a common issue across platforms like Whatsapp and Viber as well.

Members are seeking additional advice and shared experiences to better understand the viability and best practices for using Telegram in this capacity.

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