In this discussion, members share their experiences and strategies for managing work during their menstrual cycles. Here are some key points:

  • Some members choose to take days off during heavy flow or severe cramp days to rest and recuperate.
  • Others continue working but adjust the type of shows they perform, avoiding penetration and focusing on less physically demanding activities.
  • Various products are used to manage menstrual flow discreetly, such as sponge tampons, menstrual cups, and sea sponges.
  • Pain management strategies include the use of Ibuprofen or other pain relief medications.
  • Members in perimenopause face additional challenges with irregular periods, fluctuating hormonal levels, and disrupted sleep patterns, which can impact their work routine.

Overall, the approach to managing work during the menstrual cycle varies widely, with some prioritizing rest and others finding ways to continue working comfortably.

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