This topic discusses issues related to being banned from Chaturbate. Members share their experiences and seek advice on how to address bans and potentially regain access to their accounts.

  • A member, eyeyeyey69, was banned about a year ago and is uncertain about the reason for the ban. They express a desire to reconnect with their fans and are seeking assistance in communicating with Chaturbate's support team.
  • Punkerbarbie, a forum member, confirms that support has responded to eyeyeyey69's inquiry and provides a ticket number (Ticket #23058112) for reference. It is suggested that responses from support may be received via email.
  • Another member, redlace, shares a recent experience of being banned shortly after joining Chaturbate and seeks guidance on getting unbanned. Punkerbarbie offers to assist by forwarding their username or ticket number to the support team.

Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding platform rules and effectively communicating with support teams to resolve account issues.

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