Discover the upcoming events hosted by Imperfectly You, a platform dedicated to sex workers focusing on community, education, and support. This December, the theme is 'Expand & Evolve', offering a series of engaging activities:
- CommUNITY Circle: Join a group coaching event on December 6th and 16th at 8pm GMT, led by Life Coach Emma, to tackle challenges and achieve personal and professional growth.
- Ancient Sex Work: On December 3rd at 8pm GMT, explore historical perspectives on sex work with Cleopatra Anath, focusing on past societal views free of modern stigmas.
- Sex Work Skillshare: Enhance your skills on December 9th at 8pm GMT in this collaborative session designed for sharing tips and insights across all forms of sex work.
- Visioning a Creative Future: On December 18th at 8pm GMT, engage in a sensory art and writing experience to envision a future grounded in self-esteem and balance.
These events are accessible for free for the first 30 days on the Imperfectly You platform, with a subsequent membership fee of $9.99 per month.