This topic discusses the strategy of increasing video content creation as a way to boost income and reduce the need for frequent live shows. Members share their experiences and insights on whether doubling the number of video clips posted daily can help increase sales and provide more flexibility. Here are some key points from the discussion:

  • Increasing the frequency of posting videos generally leads to higher visibility and sales. Posting in the morning and evening helps keep the content visible on platforms.
  • While more content can increase income, it may not always result in proportional revenue growth. It's important to balance between content creation and other income streams.
  • Members mention the importance of maintaining a stable income from live shows while experimenting with increased content posting.
  • Some members use AI tools to assist with content creation, such as generating video descriptions, to manage workload effectively.
  • Experimentation with posting frequency and content type is common, with some finding that less polished content surprisingly sells well.
  • The community shares supportive advice, encouraging trial periods to determine the viability of increased content posting.

Overall, the consensus suggests that increasing video posting can be a beneficial strategy, but it requires careful consideration of workload and income consistency.

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