This discussion highlights a significant issue faced by webcam models regarding accountability for client behavior on certain platforms. A model shared their experience of receiving a notification threatening their account status because some of their clients were marked as scammers. The conversation suggests that:

  • The platform in question is suspected to be Streamate, based on user comments.
  • Models express frustration over the expectation to identify scammers, considering it unreasonable and unfair.
  • Some members report losing significant earnings due to unexplained deductions or bans.
  • There is a perception that platforms prioritize customer protection over model security, leading to dissatisfaction and mistrust.
  • Models share personal strategies, like taking screenshots and documenting interactions, to protect themselves against disputes or false claims.
  • Experiences of discrimination based on nationality and unequal treatment are reported, with non-US models feeling particularly marginalized.

The consensus among participants is that models should focus on self-protection and remain cautious while engaging with clients on these platforms.

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