This discussion revolves around the differences between working on the platforms SextPanther and NiteFlirt, with insights shared by models experienced with both.

  • Traffic: SextPanther has internal traffic, but it's beneficial to bring your own audience. It seems that SextPanther may have more activity for video chat compared to texting or phone calls.
  • Support: SextPanther's support team is described as faster and more helpful than NiteFlirt's.
  • Profile Setup: Unlike NiteFlirt, SextPanther does not require HTML knowledge for building your profile, which is a plus for those who prefer simpler setups.
  • Chargebacks: SextPanther covers chargebacks and bans users who initiate them, providing a safeguard for models.
  • Payouts: SextPanther has a payout threshold of $50, with payments available via ACH.
  • Client Demographics and Interaction: Clients on SextPanther tend to be younger, and the platform mandates the use of real photos. The platform is more favorable for models who engage in video chats, as initial interactions often occur via the video chat button.
  • Pricing and Tips: Models can set their own prices for pictures, and tips are reportedly higher on SextPanther.

Overall, models considering a switch or addition of SextPanther to their platforms may find this information helpful in making their decision.

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