This topic discusses techniques and safety considerations for deep throating, particularly with a 17-inch double dildo. Members share their experiences and advice, emphasizing the importance of personal comfort and safety over attempting challenging feats for the sake of performance.

  • One member suggests using camera angles and acting techniques to create the illusion of full insertion without risking physical harm.
  • Several contributors highlight the unrealistic standards set by certain pornographic content, urging models to prioritize their health and well-being over meeting extreme expectations.
  • Personal anecdotes are shared about the potential health risks involved in pushing physical limits, such as throat and vaginal infections, and the importance of setting boundaries with clients.
  • The discussion also touches on the practice of ass-to-mouth (ATM), with members providing cautionary tales about the health implications and stressing professional standards and personal comfort.

The consensus is clear: while creative techniques and performance skills are valuable, maintaining one's health and respecting personal boundaries is paramount in the profession.

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