This discussion revolves around a former webcam model's dilemma with their ex-studio, which has failed to release their Streamate account despite multiple requests. The model is considering legal action but seeks advice on the best course of action.
- The model left their studio 8 months ago but has faced challenges in getting their account released, impacting their ability to stream and connect with their following on Streamate.
- Another member suggests that pursuing legal action might not be the most practical solution, considering the typical one-year duration of studio contracts. Instead, they recommend persistent communication with the studio and Streamate to expedite the release.
- The model expresses frustration but acknowledges the potential futility of legal action given the time remaining on their contract.
- It’s suggested to become a persistent inconvenience to the studio to encourage them to release the account, highlighting the personal complications due to the studio being run by an ex-partner.
- Advice is also given on the importance of reviewing the contract for any terms that the studio may have violated and the suggestion to document all communications for potential legal use.
Overall, the consensus leans towards a non-legal approach focused on persistence and leveraging contractual obligations, with an emphasis on the importance of maintaining a written record of all interactions.