
Welcome to our professional forum summary for the topic on template customization and related inquiries. Here, members have shared their experiences and solutions regarding the use of templates on their profiles.

  • Several members encountered issues when attempting to change their profile templates before activation. Specifically, selecting a new template redirected them to their inactive profile page, preventing any changes.
  • Consensus among the members suggests that profile templates can only be modified after the profile has been activated.
  • There was a request for the addition of AdultWork to the wishlist section, highlighting the importance of having a diverse range of platforms where members can create wishlists.
  • Following feedback, actions were taken to allow the selection of templates before profile activation, enhancing the user experience for new members.

This summary reflects the collaborative effort of our community to improve and troubleshoot the platform experience for all members. Your contributions and requests drive the continuous evolution of our forum.


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