When relocating to a new apartment and needing to prove your income, especially when payments are received through Payoneer, members have shared various solutions:
- One method is to take a screenshot of your Payoneer account showing your income and print it out or save it as a document to present as proof.
- Describing your work as online affiliate activities and offering to pay a few months' rent upfront if possible, which could potentially lead to a discount, has been suggested as well.
- It's also been mentioned that linking to or consulting related threads on the forum might provide additional insights.
- In some regions, such as Texas, presenting the last two years of income tax returns is a requirement for self-employed individuals to prove their income to apartment complexes.
- It might be beneficial to inquire anonymously with the apartment complex about their specific requirements for proof of income to ensure you provide the appropriate documentation.
This discussion also includes a reminder to post queries in the most relevant thread to ensure the best possible advice is received.